Monday, April 18, 2011

It's Passover time!

Today is a busy day in our home! After all the cleaning, shopping and advance cooking, we still have to set the table for the seder, cook all the rest of the food and prepare the guest room... The list goes on. I'm sure there will be still more runs to the supermarket and lots of last minute prep to be done!

We, at Crafting Jewish Style, would like to wish you all

Chag Pesach Kasher v'Sameach! Have a Happy Passover! Enjoy!

Just a thought-to keep little hands busy today, give the kids some Passover paper, scissors, glue, markers/crayons and embellishments. The kids can craft welcome signs, place cards, wine goblet tags, ten makot cards, and haggadah covers. It's a great way to get them involved in a meaningful and enjoyable way.

The memories of our Seders are strong in my mind. Since we don't take, nor do we encourage, picture taking at the Seder and throughout the holiday, I'll try to get a picture of the table decor in, before the holiday begins.
Hope you have a calm prePesach day.

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