Sunday, July 24, 2011

Recipe Time!

Hello!  Cassie here.  Happy Hanukkah in July again!  I was just dropping by to share a layout I made for my family "special occasion" recipe album that I am making.  This way all the special recipes we use year after year will be collected in one place and be easy to find.  For today's post I used one of my favorite Hanukkah treats, sufganiyot.  Nothing says Hanukkah like these yummy fried treats.  For anyone interested I use a recipe I found from Epicurious


  1. Great recipe page.. Also mI did those too- I always buy my SUFGANIOT- they are just better in some delis here.. Very expensive too.. I promise to take some photos of ROLADIN deli near the holiday season- you wouldn't believe how many tastes they have there..

  2. Love the recipe layout. The ribbon folding and stars of David add a nice touch and dimension to the page.

  3. sufganiyot. I made some a couple of times, but for me they are hit or miss. The bakery down the street--always delicious.

  4. great idea to put the recipe right in your scrapbook


  5. This is a terrific idea - I am inspired. Maybe a whole recipe book of favorite holiday foods....
