Sweet news for all you scrappers and crafters out there-Crafting Jewish Style is looking to expand its design team.
We are looking for a few "someones" who have a fresh scrapbooking style and could commit to producing and posting 2-3 layouts, cards or projects a month. Knowledge of (and ability to scrap about) Jewish holidays and life events is necessary for joining this team.
If you feel that you've got what it takes to join our team then email your scrapbooking resume or some layout samples to info@craftingjewishstyle.com.
Purim is coming soon and we will have some goodies and fun stuff for you. Leave a comment and you'll be entered in or prePurim giveaway details to follow.
Here's something special to banish the midwinter blues:
15% off all orders at Crafting Jewish Style!
Use coupon code: winter15
Order now and get scrapping!
I sent you a mail for your DT call- but forgot to link to my blog. So here it is :
Hope you got my mail and like my work
This is great! will send layouts tomorrow! Thanks!